With 2018 coming to an end, and having just re-booted this blog to update friends and family, I’ve taken a short opportunity to look back on everything I’ve achieved and done.
Firstly, I’ve managed to spend a year in, and save money within a job working 40 hour weeks. And ,despite retail not being how I expected life to go , I’ve had laughs within my job and met some lifelong friends there -including a boyfriend of 8 months .
I’ve adventured to Disney Land Paris, Malta, Champneys Health Spa, Brighton , London (Multiple times) , Worcester and Nottingham. I’ve been on nights out, celebrated 20th Birthdays with friends, as well as James’s Graduation. I’ve seen 70 films, 46 of which were at the cinema, and read 12 books. I’ve been to the Royal Albert Hall to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets- as well as Hairspray, Legally Blonde, Shrek the Musical, War Horse and Nativity at the theatre ; tribute acts for queen and Adele.
I’ve been finally making my way around tourist attractions in the UK and have been to Imperial War Museum , London Zoo , Brighton Sea Life , Madame Tussauds, London Eye, Shreks Adventure ,Harry Potter studios , Winter Wonderland and loads more I can’t remember…
Next year my goals are to get at least a 2.1 for my first year, to drive on the motorway and improve my driving confidence, to see 50 films at the cinema , read 25 books , save more money , learn to cook , donate to charity more and see more of family and friends.
I have planned more theatre trips, day trips and holidays .Overall, I am looking forward to the challenges and opportunities the new year presents ,as always surrounded by incredible friends, family , and love.
I hope everyone has a happy new year x
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